The Road To Now: A History of Blacks in Montreal

by Dorothy W. Williams

  • ISBN: 155065-065-3
The reach of black history is long—-blacks have been a part of the Canadian experience since the sixteenth century. They have figured in Canada’s story from the original European explorations to the period of enslavement, and from the coming of the railroads to the present day. Montreal, a city so crucial in the making of Canada, has always had a distinct black community. Yet the historical record remains silent, causing Montreal’s black population to be invisible even today. The Road to Now provides a long-overdue historic overview of the black presence in Montreal. Dorothy Williams returns to the roots of black history by chronicling slavery in Montreal, which lasted officially in New France for seventy-one years. The author also describes the impact of the railways on Montreal’s black community and charts the evolution of the black community’s institutions.



par Dorothy W. Williams

  • ISBN: 2-89005-674-0
  • PRICE: CDN$ 21.95
Depuis les premières explorations jusqu’au temps de l’esclavage, de la Confédération jusqu’à nos jours, les Noirs ont toujours fait paritie de l’expérience québécoise. À Montréal tout particulièrement, bien que faible sur le plan numérique, une communauté noire distincte s’est développée au cours du dernier siècle. Pourtant, cette présence, vieille de plus de trois cents ans, demeure largement méconnue. Bon nombre de Québécois croient toujours que les Noirs sont parmi les derniers arrivés dans notre société. Les Noirs à Montréal, publiés d’abord en anglais, viennnent combler en partie cette lacune en retraçant l’histoire démographique urbaine des Noirs québécois.

BLACKS IN MONTREAL 1628-1986:An Urban Demography (Reprint)


by Dorothy W. Williams

  • ISBN: 2-89073-690-3
  • PRICE: CDN$ 29.95
This book is a reprint of Blacks in Montreal 1628-1986: An Urban Demography by Dorothy W. Williams published in 1989. Deemed groundbreaking, it was the first demography that explored Montreal’s Black diversity. This work reveals the 400 years of Black mobility across the island of Montreal. This comprehensive study examines the impact of Canadian discrimination, skewed immigration, job market segmentation, and housing exclusion, which fueled the socio-economic disadvantage that continues to reverberate throughout Quebec society.
Special Interview with Dorothy Williams (DVD)

Enclosed in this book (at no extra cost) is a unique interview with author, Dorothy W. Williams. In this 30 minute DVD interview, the author speaks about why she wrote this book and of her personal experiences growing up in Little Burgundy from 1956-1976.