Tracing the Footsteps of Black History in Canada
Researched and published works that document the history and contributions of Black Canadians.
Williams, Dorothy. The Canadian Encyclopedia, s.v. “Olivier Le Jeune”, Last Edited January 23, 2020,
Williams, Dorothy. The Canadian Encyclopedia, s.v. “Little Burgundy and Montreal’s Black English-Speaking Community,” Last Edited February 10, 2020,
Williams, Dorothy. “A Posthumous Honour for a Conspicuous Life: Dr. Gaspard in Quebec.” QUESCREN Working Paper no. 3. Montreal: Concordia University, April 2020.
———————. “When it comes to systemic racism, history belies your words, Mr. Legault.” CBC Op-Ed. Last Edited June 13, 2020,
Williams, Dorothy. “Soirées Éthiopiennes: Blackface Culture in Quebec.” Canadian Diversity 16 no. 3 (2019) : 26-29.
Williams, Dorothy. “Soirées Éthiopiennes: La Culture Blackface au Québec.” Diversité Canadienne 16 no. 3 (2019) : 28-31.
Williams, Dorothy. “The Memory of That Place.” Quebec Heritage 13 no. 1 (winter 2019) : 5.
The Jackie Robinson Myth: Social Mobility and Race in Montreal. 1920 – 1960