This kit provides teachers and students, with resources on the history and role that Blacks have played in Canadian history. This ABC compilation has been created to help you and your students in your quest for knowledge about Blacks in Canada. These ABC‘s are characters or events chosen to illustrate the wide and diverse history that Backs have experienced north of the 49th parallel. They consist of a four-line poem or “ditty” which introduces them, followed by a more detailed portrait of the character or event. In addition, we have included a teacher’s guide and a glossary of terms. The glossary includes words beyond the years of your charges. They will help to increase vocabulary, and at the same time, encourage an appreciation of the diversity that has always existed in Canada; there is much to boast about and much more to reflect upon.
- The ABC’s of Canadian Black History
- An educational tool : 27 pages
- Glossary For ABC’s of Canadian Black History
- An ready-reference for over 140 terms
- Answer Key of ABC’s of Canadian Black History
- Answer Keys plus two advance sections.& Match-ups
- Poster Illustrating ABC’s of Canadian Black History
- Crossword of ABC’s of Canadian Black History
- Multiple puzzles reinforce the ABC vocabulary
- BINGO of ABC’s of Canadian Black History
- Activity to introduce the ABC’s
- Match-Ups of ABC’s of Canadian Black History
- Two Match-up activities are included for individual
- 2 Decks of Students’ ABC cards
Adjectives of ABC’s of Canadian Black History
This individual activity is a multiple-choice exercise.
The kit will become available for purchase in august 2015.
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